Original Hok 'Voske' Reynaerts, Velm
Half-brother of
BE21-2076221 ‘White Limoges’, winner of :
1. NAT. Limoges II OB – 7.211 b. (674 km)
1. Nat. fastest Limoges – 16.181 b.
1. Nat. Z Chateauroux – 870 b. (530 km)
3. Prov. Chateauroux – 927 b.
22. Nat. Chateauroux – 5.720 b.
1. Soissons – 336 b.
Grandson of BE17-3033516 ‘Bonte Crack’,
Anthony Maes, winner of :
1. NAT. Ace Pigeon LD KBDB 2019
2. Nat. Limoges – 9.661 b.
3. Nat. Chateauroux – 13.098 b.
Mother is a half-sister to 'De Jos'
The father of BE23-5018054
‘The Master’, winner of :
1. NAT. Bourges YB ’23 – 19.379 b. (452 km)