Original Team Schlief-Stiens
100% Leo Heremans, Vorselaar
Grandchild of superstars
NL12-4148200 'Vetblauwe Jackpot' -
Half-brother of BE05-015 'Di Caprio'
(Grand)father of :
1. Nat. Ace Pigeon 'De Allerbeste' 2019
1. Prov. Morlincourt - 23.392 b.
1. Prov. Soissons - 14.730 b.
1. Prov. Duiven - 12.877 b.
1. Prov. Weert - 11.619 b.
1. Prov. Morlincourt - 8.903 b.
NL17-1819934 'Calisto', winner of :
1. Prov. Ace PIgeon All Round Afd. 8
4. Nat. Ace Pigeon SD/MD Pipa Rank
9. Nat. Ace Pigeon SD 'De Allerbeste'
NL18-1627902 'Beetle', winner of :
1. Nat. Ace Pigeon 'De Allerbeste' 2019
1. Nat. Ace Pigeon Pipa Ranking 2019
5. Nat. Ace Pigeon YB 'De Allerbeste' '18